
If you land at Zurich International Airport, you can reach Locarno by train via Zurich Main Station (Zurich HB).

If you travel by train from within Europe via Zurich, continue by train to Locarno.

1. Zurich Airport to Zurich Main Station (Zurich HB)

You can take a taxi from the airport, but the fastest and cheapest way is by train.
Follow the signs “rail” to reach the train platforms located underneath the airport. Schedules for trains to Zurich main station (Zurich HB) are posted on boards just above the platforms. Ticket machines and ticket counters are available there too. Trains to Zurich HB depart ca. every 10-15 minutes and the trip takes about 15 minutes. Once at Zurich HB you can catch your connecting train to Locarno.
It is also possible to purchase your train ticket for Locarno at the airport.

2. Zurich HB to Locarno   

On the external pageSBB website you can find the most convenient train schedule for you. Please be aware that the Gotthard base tunnel is currently disrupted.

Once in Locarno, continue to Monte Verità by following the directions given.

Advance booking of train tickets within Switzerland is possible but not obligatory.


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